Healthcare Liability Insurance for Community Health Centers

Across the United States, more than 9,000 community health centers provide affordable care for the under-served, saving $24 billion annually for America's health care system. These community health centers are vitally important to the communities in which they operate.
Through innovative and proactive measures, community health centers reduce the high cost of medical care by diverting patients from emergency departments and urgent care clinics. With a rising uninsured population seeking both emergent and preventative care in the ED and urgent care clinics, the demand for more community health services continues to grow.
Add in distractions such as HIPAA, the Affordable Care Act, emerging technology and the aging population, and you probably have less time to focus on the most common community health center malpractice risk drivers, including: diagnostic failures, infections, improper patient hand-offs, delayed treatment, medication errors. Without the industry's best liabilty carrier in your corner, you face considerable risk that can distract you from pursuing your primary business interests.
Such rapid growth in a changing healthcare landscape has also given rise to increasing liability risks. We can assist by providing products for one of the most complex and rapidly changing factors — your community health center's healthcare malpractice risk. We're the experts in this area, freeing you up to concentrate on your community health center's true purpose — being an expert in providing excellent healthcare.



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