Healthcare Liability Insurance for Sleep Centers

Over 50,000 employees serve patients at more than 2,200 sleep centers nationally, generating over $6 billion dollars in annual revenue and a year-over-year growth rate exceeding 11%. Why is the sleep center sector of healthcare growing so rapidly? An increasing number of patients nationally are complaining of sleep apnea, depression and anxiety, thus requiring continued treatment and research into the causes and remedies for patients. While this growth is good for business, it also contributes to increasing healthcare liability risk.
Add in distractions such as HIPAA, the Affordable Care Act, emerging technology and the aging population, and you probably have less time to focus on the most common community health center liability risk drivers, including: diagnostic failures, infections, improper patient hand-offs, delayed treatment, medication errors. Without the industry's best liability carrier in your corner, you face considerable risk that can distract you from pursuing your primary business interests.
Such rapid growth in a changing healthcare landscape has also given rise to increasing liability risk. We can assist by providing products for one of the most complex and rapidly changing factors — your community health center's healthcare liability risk. We're the experts in this area, freeing you up to concentrate on your community health center's true purpose — being an expert in providing excellent healthcare.

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