Risk Management Tools & Resources


Case Study: Delayed Cancer Diagnosis Results in Malpractice Liability for Physician Assistant and Supervising Physician

The patient was a 53-year-old male who presented to an internal medicine practice because he had a lump in his right groin. The patient had been going to the practice for years and typically saw one physician assistant (PA) for most appointments. Over the years, he had seen the PA for various conditions, such as allergies, abdominal pain, cardiac issues, respiratory infections, hypertension, and more.

At the patient’s visit to evaluate the lump in his groin, the PA ordered a CT scan. The test was completed, and the results showed an enlarged inguinal lymph node. Whether these results were communicated to the patient is unclear. Receipt of the results was documented in the patient’s electronic health record (EHR), but no documentation from that time indicates whether the patient was notified about the results or next steps.

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The Five Essential Elements of a Violence Prevention Program

Violence is a significant concern and an unfortunate reality in healthcare. The health sector accounts for about a quarter of all workplace violence, and healthcare and social service workers are five times more likely to be injured than other workers.1 Violence can occur in any geographic location and any type of facility, and it can come from a variety of sources, including patients, visitors, healthcare providers, and staff members.

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Promoting Patient Dignity in Healthcare

Humans have an intrinsic need for dignity as a basic element of well-being. Yet, the concept of dignity can be somewhat nebulous, and its defining features can vary across societies, cultures, and individuals.

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Eight Strategies for Creating a Culture of Safety for Midwives

The United States is facing a maternity healthcare provider shortage. What may reverse this trend is a robust and more diverse workforce of midwives educated through professionally accredited midwifery education programs.1

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The Power of Words: Using Language to Support Collaborative Provider–Patient Relationships

The impact of language — both written and verbal — can be profound. Words create meaning, which can shape individuals’ understanding, feelings, interactions, decisions, and so forth. In healthcare, written and verbal communication are the crux of the provider–patient relationship, and they are paramount to patient outcomes and experience.

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The Rise and Risks of Healthcare Influencers

Healthcare influencers have become a popular source of health information online, particularly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Influencers use their online presence on social media platforms to not only educate and generate interest on healthcare topics, but also combat misinformation. Social media is an ideal way for them to reach more people than they could on an average workday.

The United States has approximately 302 million social media users.1 It is clear that healthcare influencers have a huge potential audience, which makes them a powerful tool for healthcare promotion. In addition to posting about healthcare, influencers also may partner with companies to endorse specific products and brands.

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Using Plain Language to Support Patient Engagement and Patient-Centered Care

A significant hurdle in patient-centered care is effective communication throughout the care process. If patients do not understand their diagnoses, test results, recommended treatment plans, and follow-up instructions, they cannot fully participate in their care.

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Avoiding Allegations of Negligent Referral

Referring patients to specialists is common in both dental and medical practice. In fact, making appropriate referrals is a recommended risk strategy to avoid poor outcomes that result from practicing outside of one’s scope of expertise. However, healthcare providers can be accused of “negligent referral” if they refer patients to specialists who mishandle the patients’ cases and cause injuries.

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