Risk Management Tools & Resources


Tackling Medication Prescribing, Administration,
and Management/Monitoring Errors in Hospitals

Medication treatment is a complex process, particularly because of the number of steps and individuals involved, the volume of medication orders in hospitals, and the increasing number of prescription medications on the market. Although errors are common throughout the medication process, the prescribing, administration, and management/monitoring stages are particularly risky in hospitals.1

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15 Ways Healthcare Organizations Can Build a Strong Security Culture

In healthcare, the term "safety culture" or "culture of safety" is familiar. It refers to organizational values, attitudes, and goals related to providing a safe environment and safe patient care. Although perhaps not as common, the term "security culture" is conceptually very similar to safety culture. An organization's security culture focuses on beliefs, values, and behaviors related to protecting health information, other sensitive data, and patient and employee privacy.

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Password Security Best Practices for Healthcare Organizations

In the current healthcare technology landscape — which includes robotics, telehealth, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, nanomedicine, virtual reality, and more — password security might seem like an archaic topic. Clinicians and other healthcare workers have used passwords for years to log in to various organizational systems, and these actions have likely become second nature. In recent years, however, cyberattacks and data breaches have heightened security concerns for small and large healthcare organizations, emphasizing the need to develop new security strategies and revisit old protocols.

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Red Flags for Disruptive Behavior in Healthcare Professionals

Sadly, disruptive behavior among healthcare professionals and staff is common, and it poses a threat to patient safety and staff well-being. A bulletin from the American College of Surgeons states that the majority of healthcare professionals have encountered colleagues engaging in disruptive behaviors with coworkers, patients, relatives, and others.1 These behaviors can take a serious toll on members of the patient care team and can increase the risk of adverse events.

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Tips and Strategies for De-Escalating Aggressive, Hostile, or Violent Patients

Managing patient complaints and dissastisfaction is an unpleasant but certain reality in healthcare. Despite best efforts, situations occur in which patients are unhappy and feel compelled to voice their displeasure and concerns. Unfortunately, in some cases, patients' emotions might escalate, and they may become aggressive, hostile, or violent.

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CASE STUDY: Electrolysis Treatment Removes Unwanted Hair but Causes Another Unsightly Outcome

The patient, a female in her mid-thirties, presented to a dermatology practice for consultation regarding hair removal on both sides of her chin. The patient met with an esthetician employed by the practice, who requested that the patient fill out a skin care questionnaire. The patient complied, and described her skin's complexion as olive and noted that she rarely burns.

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CASE STUDY: Negligent Credentialing and Inadequate Emergency Response at Ambulatory Surgery Center Lead to Malpractice Lawsuit Following Patient Death

Claims involving improper credentialing often coincide with allegations of improper and inadequate training. This case examines a failed resuscitation effort at an ambulatory surgery center (ASC) in which credentialing issues, deficient emergency response procedures, and lack of staff training all contributed to a tragic outcome.

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The Challenge of Nonadherent Patients: What's a Provider to Do?

Healthcare providers have the right to choose which patients they want to treat, and they also have the right to terminate relationships with patients for various reasons. Patients who are nonadherent with their treatment regimens or follow-up care recommendations can be particularly frustrating, and they also might be more likely to have suboptimal outcomes as a result of their behavior. For these reasons, healthcare providers might feel that terminating the provider–patient relationship is the best solution.

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