Laura M. Cascella, MA, CPHRM
Cybersecurity and cyberattacks have been a persistent and escalating concern in healthcare with the advancement of electronic health records, digital data, medical devices, personal electronic devices, cloud technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI). As technology has evolved, so too have the activities and sophistication of cyber criminals.
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The patient was a female who had limited English proficiency (LEP). She saw Dr. B, an associate in a busy general dental practice, for extraction of tooth number 32. A dental assistant took a periapical X-ray that depicted most of the root but missed the last few millimeters of the apex. The tooth was partially impacted, accessible to the oral cavity, and possessed fused conical roots.
Read more Jeanne E. Mapes, JD, CPCU, CPHRM
Healthcare providers who employ staff members need to be cognizant of the legal concept of vicarious liability. Vicarious liability arose out of the common law theory of respondeat superior, “a legal doctrine . . . that holds an employer or principal legally responsible for the wrongful acts of an employee or agent, if such acts occur within the scope of the employment or agency.” 1
Read more Senior care organizations, like other healthcare facilities, must make deliberate and coordinated efforts to prevent and control infectious diseases and outbreaks. The vulnerability of the population that these organizations serve makes the need to implement infection prevention and control (IPC) strategies even more pronounced. Senior care residents often are at heightened risk for infections as a result of declining health, comorbidities, frequent interactions with caregivers, open wounds, use of medical devices, and other factors.1
Read more Patients who suffer from chronic pain can be challenging to successfully treat. In addition to finding the optimal course of treatment, issues related to patients adhering to treatment plans can be problematic. Thus, healthcare providers who prescribe pain medications might want to consider using pain management agreements to set standards and expectations related to care and treatment and to reinforce the importance of following treatment regimens.
Read more An increasing number of pregnant women in the United States have chronic health conditions — such as hypertension, diabetes, and chronic heart disease — that put them at higher risk for pregnancy complications. When combined with hemorrhage, cardiovascular disease, sepsis, and other health problems, these conditions have been responsible for a large number of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States.
Read more Medical emergencies — unexpected events that lead to bodily injuries or critical medical conditions — can occur anywhere, including healthcare practices. In fact, the occurrence of medical emergencies in healthcare settings might not be as uncommon as many people think. For example:
Read more Medical emergencies can and will occur in healthcare practice settings, making preparation paramount. A vital step in preparing for a medical emergency is developing a written emergency response plan. When creating or evaluating your practice’s plan for responding to unexpected medical crises, consider the following:
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